As well as narrative drama and comedy, Raunkiaer also produces work for corporate clients. We strongly believe that our experience with and passion for narrative filmmaking allows us to create corporate work that is clear, unique and eye-grabbing for all of our clients.
You can see a selection of the projects we've worked on in the video below, or scroll down for more information about some of our previous clients.
If you would be interested in commissioning Raunkiaer Films to work on your project, please get in touch at [email protected]
You can see a selection of the projects we've worked on in the video below, or scroll down for more information about some of our previous clients.
If you would be interested in commissioning Raunkiaer Films to work on your project, please get in touch at [email protected]
We worked with Matchmaker Ltd, a startup trying to change the face of the dating app market through their app Sorbet (then called Intro Date), to develop the video below to explain the concept behind their product. This video was succesfully used as part of their market research programme, to help shape and discuss the brand's developing voice, and as a short-explainer for potential investors and new employees.